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Future Urban Development Areas (FUDA)


Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) is a collaborative, locally-driven effort among neighboring jurisdictions and the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. The purpose is to protect vital natural resources, promote efficient development, and preserve farmland through cooperative planning for long-term growth. FUDA provides additional resources that local communities may use to update their comprehensive plans. FUDA projects offer “scenario planning” activities to help local officials weigh the costs and benefits of alternative approaches to growth, and find the option best suited for each community.

The intended benefits include:

  • In-depth assessments of natural and agricultural resources and water quality at no cost to local municipalities

  • Staff support for planning activities such as public engagement

  • Intergovernmental cooperation

  • Stronger, more harmonious local planning decisions

  • A smoother process for expanding Urban Service Area boundaries by addressing issues and potential conflicts up-front


The local resolutions that were adopted asking the Governor to create the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) included a proactive long-range planning effort to align regional goals and objectives with local needs and desires in a collaborative manner. This proactive, long-rage collaborative planning process was named Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) Planning. CARPC was created by Governor Doyle under Wis. State Stats. 66.0309 governing regional planning commissions. Under the statute CARPC has the duty and responsibility of planning for the harmonious physical development of the region. CARPC is also created to be an area-wide water quality management planning agency under Wisconsin administrative code chapter NR 121, working as an agent of the state to work with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to coordinate various water quality management activities in the region, and advise WDNR about local water quality management needs and conditions. For detailed description of CARPC roles, duties and responsibilities, see the CARPC overview page.

FUDA Survey

FUDA Final Draft

Railroad Corridor Redevelopment Plan

Rail Corridor Redevelopment Plan

Highway Trailer Complex Structural Report